You should travel here before the mass tourism starts.



There is this unseen area in Laos, called Muang Fuang.

When I checked Laos on Google Earth years ago, this area was on my travel list. Unfortunately I figured out that it is really remote and you don’t find any Guesthouse or Hotel because there is no tourism at all. So I skipped Muang Fuang on my first trip through Laos. In October I have been at the Naga Fireball festival in Nong Khiaw (north Thailand), close to Vientiane (capital of Laos).

So I decided to cross the boarder and rent a car.

Days before I got a contact at Facebook to rent a wooden Lao style house, perfectly located with access to the Nam Lik River. The owner even made a reservation at AVIS for us to get a car

There are cheaper cars but believe me, you really need a Jeep like this if you want to drive through Laos.

Muang Fuang has the same beautiful landscape like Vang Vieng. I am sure that it won’t take long time till this place is full of tourist. But right now, I only saw 2 tourist in 5 days there. Only the younger people speak some basic English. Older not at all.

Muang Fuang is a big valley surrounded by lime stone mountains.

There are several activities to do. Like in Vang Vieng there is also tubing famous. We had our local guide who picked us up with his boat and drove us to the rapids.

Laos is full with dams and so the depth and flow speed of the Nam Lik River depending on the Dam.

Floating with the Nam Lik River is a memorable adventure. Seeing all the mountains and even water buffaloes is mind-blowing.

Just a jump from our accommodation is the great restaurant Donekarngnoi Restaurant, where you can have a meal while sitting in the river.

The lao style house has a big beautiful garden with lots of herbs and fruits. There is a YouTube video at the end of this site for a walkthrough.

Another great thing is buying Lao Hai at the local village. It is a self-brewed rice wine. Tasty, cheap and no hangover at all! Great stuff! Here I am drinking with our local guide. Traditionally you drink it with a bamboo straw out from a jar.

to be continued….